pyramidsms offers Bulk SMS at very competitive wholesale prices.
Generally 1 page of SMS Message will cost you 2.0unit SMS unit to all GSM Networks, 3.0 SMS units to CDMA and international numbers are specified below.
Payment can be made into:
Acc Name=Jekoyemi Funminiyi S
First Bank=3076110631
Wema Bank=0224728759
Sterling Bank=0031970025
Please, kindly send your payment details- Username, Teller Number, Amount Paid, Bank, Paid to 08051850029 or 07081366488 immediately after your payment.
We accept Debit Cards issued by all Nigerian banks. To purchase SMS unit online, follow these instructions:
1. Login into your account on
2. Click on "Buy SMS"
3. Enter the amount you want to buy, then click the button on "Voguepay" then "Submit"
4. On the page that shows, Select the appropriate Payment Type you would like to use: Voguepay/ Interswitch (Mastercard, Verve)/Visa/etransact/PocketMoni,
5. Afte selecting the appropriate one, click on PROCEED
6.On the next page, enter your email address, and click on PROCEED
7. Select your card type( Verve/Master Naira Card/Visa)
Select the onre that is written on your ATM card,
8 Enter the 16-digit Debit Card number and the 3 digit CVV Code (Card Verification Value – found on the back of your Debit Card) and complete the payment flow.
9.Once your transaction is successful, you will receive alert from your bank, your account on pyramidsms will be automatically credited, and you will see "TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL NOTIFICATION"
Alternatively you can pay through Bank Transfer/Mobile Money/Online Banking into any of these bank accounts. Thank you
OR, you call admin on 08051850029 for further assistance. Thank You
Follow dz 2 Pay online,Login2 ur acc, click Buy SMS,enter amt, select Voguepay, enta email, select your card type(Mastercard/Verve),enta d digit number on ur ATM card, ur PIN, CVV2 =the three numbers @ d back of ur ATM card.NOTE::Do this on a PC 4 optimum 08051850029 for assistance